In Derw, there are two main types of conditions: if statements, for simple tests of whether something is true or not, and case statements, for pattern matching a value against the possible values it might have. Typically you'd want to use if statements for small checks, and case statements when you have a wide range of possible values.
Both if statements and case statements must have a final value: all branches must have a value have a value.
If statements
If statements typically look like the following:
if condition then
Which can be put to use like this:
sayHi: string -> string
sayHi name =
if name == "noah" then
"Hi Noah!"
`I don't know you, ${name}`
They can also be used inline, like
if condition then someValue else someOtherValue
which might look like:
viewHi: string -> string
viewHi name =
[ if name == "Noah" then text "Hi Noah" else text "I don't know you" ]
Typical ways of getting condition are: a boolean value, returning boolean from a function call, or using comparisons (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=).
Case statements
Case statements typically look like the following:
case value of
somePotentialValue -> someValueToReturn
The most common use case is with union types, as shown in the Types page.
You can also match against literal values of strings and numbers. When using literal values, you must provide a default case, for example:
sayHi: string -> string
sayHi name =
case name of
"noah" -> "Hi, Noah!"
"jeremey" -> "Hello, Jeremy!"
default -> "I don't know you"
binaryToString: number -> string
binaryToString binary =
case binary of
0 -> "0"
1 -> "1"
default -> "0"
Lists can be pattern matched with destuctures, again with a default case being required. In the example below, the pattern looks for one element in the front of a list and calls it x, while calling the tail xs.
sum: List number -> number
sum numbers =
case numbers of
x :: xs -> x + (sum xs)
default -> 0
Multiple list destructures can be chained, for example:
type Summary =
ValidSummary { pageCount: number, currentPage: number}
| InvalidSummary { reason: string }
parseSummary: List number -> Summary
parseSummary xs =
case xs of
x :: y :: [] -> ValidSummary { pageCount: x, currentPage: y }
x :: [] -> ValidSummary { pageCount: x, currentPage: y }
default -> InvalidSummary { reason: "Too many values" }
It is also possible to match against parts of list. This is non-greedy by default for example:
If statements are turned into typical Javascript if statements. If the if statement is used within a const definition, then the generated if is turned into a ternary.
function sayHi(name: string): string {
if (name === "noah") {
return "Hi, Noah!";
} else {
return "I don't know you";
const isMe: boolean = name === "noah" ? true: false;
Case statements are turned into switch statements. The case conditional is put into a const which is called _res + the body turned into a number. This is to prevent collisions with nested cases. Cases used within a const are turned into functions
function sayHello(name: string): string {
const _res3373707 = name;
switch (_res3373707) {
case "Noah": {
return "Hi Noah";
case "James": {
return "Greetings";
default: {
return "I don't know you";
const isKnownPerson = (function(): any {
const _res3373707 = name;
switch (_res3373707) {
case "Noah": {
return true;
case "James": {
return true;
default: {
return false;